Donate to Lucketts Ruritan

General Donation

The Lucketts Ruritan Club is a 100% volunteer-run community organization. We don’t have staff, buildings or administrative costs that dilute the impact of your donation. The funds we raise through our community service activities and your donations are invested back in the Lucketts community. We do this throughout the year with our grants, scholarships, publications, community events and community outreach activities.

Donate to the Scholarship Fund

Every year the Lucketts Ruritan Club awards Scholarships to graduating seniors who live in Lucketts. In 2022 the Club awarded $20,000 to five deserving local graduates. Now, in 2024, six high school or homeschooled graduates were awarded a total of $25,000. Scholarships are available for students attending four-year college/university or technical certification programs and community college programs that prepare graduates for full-time employment. Your donation will help us expand our impact and our scope for the coming year.