
Membership meetings in July and December are devoted to Fellowship.  In July, the Club participates with family and invited friends in the annual Club Picnic.  Other Ruritan Clubs from Loudoun County and nearby Maryland join for the Saturday event.  Clubs participating supply the grill fixings and beverages.  Everyone else brings a side dish or dessert. Many hands make light work!  Music and games complete the afternoon activities. An appropriate indoor/outdoor location is selected each year to insure the event can be enjoyed by all “rain or shine!”

In December, as the year comes to a close, our club members and their guests gather to celebrate the accomplishments of the year with a special Awards Banquet.  As part of the program that evening Club objectives for the coming year are shared and the Board recognizes individuals who made significant contributions to our community in the past year.  The event marks the leadership transition as new Directors and Officers for the coming year are installed.

In 2018 the Club celebrated its 39th birthday and shared fellowship with invited leaders and members of the Lucketts Community with special evening called Sip & Socialize.  Hosted at Fabbioli Cellars, a Lucketts winery, the event was intended to give the Club an opportunity to hear directly from the community about new community needs.  At the 2018 event, the Club kicked off a goodwill community food drive to help stock the shelves at the newly created Loudoun Hunger Food Pantry at Faith Chapel.  Sip & Socialize will continue in future years to help the Club stay connected with and ahead of developing community needs through fellowship activities.

Ruritan members provide parking support services for large local events and fund the Club’s fellowship activities through these activities as well as member dues and fees.

Community Service

Community Service

Community Service

Community Service