March 2013

It is with gratitude and with a great big sigh of relief that the Board of Supervisors of Loudoun County have passed a county budget that allows our local Ruritan volunteers to continue serving the Lucketts community by providing Saturday trash drop off.

Last year great concern was raised when a fairly new Board of Supervisors who were voted in with big promises to control County spending. Ruritans board of directors immediately saw this as a threat to our biggest community service activity. It wasn’t long before we met with our district represenative Geary Higgins. Geary went right to work on our behalf educating the members of the BOS as to what we did as a community help group. It was through Geary’s support we were able to take the “Bulls Eye” off the very partnership that the Ruritans and the County have fostered for over 25 years.

We also want to say “Thanks” to all the family’s that responded to our request to write the Board of Supervisors on our behalf last year.

We look forward to serving the Lucketts Community for years to come. If you would like to participate in this worth while effort, please come to one of our monthly meetings, 7:30 pm second Tuesday of every month at the Lucketts Community Center.


Pete M. Baker
Former President, Lucketts Ruritan Club