Stakeholder Committee



If you live in Lucketts, US Route 15 or James Monroe Highway is your “main street”. Traffic congestion and safety on 15 has become not only the main topic of discussion of late, but now negatively affects our quality of life. Two people have lost their lives on US15 thus far in 2017! Future planning efforts are occurring—at all levels of government—Federal, Regional, State, and County. Most importantly are those on the local level. County plans are NOW in progress to:

  1. Relieve congestion between Battlefield Parkway through the merge with North King Street (Business Rt. 15) to Tutt Lane (by Morven Park) and beyond, and;
  2. Study the entire Rt. 15 corridor from Leesburg to the Point of Rocks Bridge to begin the process of improving safety, providing better access and providing congestion relief.

Initial planning and study has led to a report by county consultant Kimley-Horn and Associates, the Route 15 Congestion Report, and presented to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) on May 18, 2017. It is available online at The BOS also directed Kimley-Horn to expand its study northward to the Maryland state line (The Route 15 Safety and Operations Study) on May 18th. As a result:

  • Three public information sessions have been held—one at Tuscarora HS in Leesburg and two at the Lucketts Community Center;
  • An online survey was made available (now closed); and,
  • The Board mandated that “stakeholders’ committees” be established and meetings scheduled (now–5/2018) to further community participation in the planning process.

Stakeholders represent many local home owners’ associations (HOAs) and local organizations. They are to provide input into implementation of the Kimley-Horn Route 15 Congestion Report recommendations plus the ‘follow-on’ Route 15 Safety and Operations Study. The Stakeholder’s Committee draft “vision” emphasizes safety and congestion relief, providing local access and mobility for community and through traffic, and highlight Loudoun’s natural beauty and historic rural character. The Lucketts Ruritan Club was invited to be a stakeholder.

As a stakeholder committee member, the Lucketts Ruritan Club hopes to provide for outreach to the Lucketts community, especially those not a member of an established HOA or other community organization already represented. We want you to be heard! You can:

  1. Complete a paper survey form and return it at the Ruritan Saturday morning “Trash Compactor/Recycling” service on either August 26, September 2 or 9 (Lucketts Fair is on 8-19-17, there is no “Trash” service) or mail to our address below.
  2. Click on the following link and complete the fillable survey form Route 15 Congestion Study Survey_fillable

Then forward it to our email address [email protected]
         September 9th is the survey deadline.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the fillable form.

The Club will make every effort to keep the community informed throughout this process. Look for future mailers, Lucketts News & Notes articles or our web site for developing information.

You can send an e-mail to [email protected] and request your e-mail be added to our distribution list. We will not sell, distribute, or SPAM your e-mail address.

Survey Results available here